Friday, December 4, 2015

Last lessons of the Semester

We have come to an end in the semester! I won't be seeing my kids until January. But I'm so happy about all the things that we learned together this semester!! The last lessons were mostly about shape. Big, medium and small shapes create a stronger composition and they're all around in nature! It looked like the kids got this concept pretty fast. If any of them decides to become a professional artist they will be one step ahead knowing this concept. The assignments were pretty successful but none of them finished. Nevertheless, my coteacher and I decided to use our last class to finish this assignment. Some of the kids went all out and used their creativity to finish this piece. The result is astonishing:

And one of my girls even had time to do a piece for fun!!

And for Thanksgiving we talked about texture. Our assignment was to do a turkey made out of different textures. Here's one example!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Lesson 2: Warm and Cool Colors and Mixing Colors

Last week ( my first lesson) was about warm and cool colors. I didn't have permission to post pictures yet and that's why I hadn't posted. But this week, we got the approval of some of the parents to post pictures! I'm really excited to post the pictures we took. Johanna Boone is an amazing teacher. I really do look up to her. And my class, is simply the best! All the children participate and they all follow instructions very well! I'm so grateful for that! 

This week we reviewed warm and cool color and we also talked about mixing colors. We learned that even blue can be warmed up with a bit of yellow. I had them do some experimenting with color, and they all had beautiful pages with lots of different color mixtures on them! The main lesson was about subjects and predicates. Since my children are so smart, they all got it very quick. The activity consisted on picking their favorite color from those they had mixed before and use that to paint half the page. Then they would pick the opposite color from their favorite color and would use that to paint the other half of the page. They would end up with a page of a warm and a cool color. Then on one side they drew the subject of the sentence and on the other side they would draw the predicate.

I was happy to see that they were all having fun mixing colors. When it came to the drawing part, I was surprised! They draw so well! I was so inspired by their artistic abilities! 

Truly, I love my job!  I feel surrounded by giants when I'm in that class. Like Glen Keane said: "When I was young I could paint like Raphael, but it's taking me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child!"
And here are the pictures: